High Expectations Asian Father

You have lower back pain? Why not upper front pain?

You have lower back pain? Why not upper front pain?  High Expectations Asian Father

only buy convertible camaro no want b and c pillars

only buy convertible camaro no want b and c pillars  High Expectations Asian Father

Third base? WHY u no at first base??

Third base? WHY u no at first base??  High Expectations Asian Father

Asian with no A's SIN

Asian with no A's SIN  High Expectations Asian Father

Law review, moot court, good grades, published, cited? TTT DEGREE. STILL NO FUTURE.

Law review, moot court, good grades, published, cited? TTT DEGREE. STILL NO FUTURE.  High Expectations Asian Father

You #1 in class Why not #1 in nation?

You #1 in class Why not #1 in nation?  High Expectations Asian Father

b+ on test? you are dishonor family

b+ on test? you are dishonor family  High Expectations Asian Father

I know I've been harsh. I'm sorry, my daughter, that you weren't a boy

I know I've been harsh. 
I'm sorry, my daughter, that you weren't a boy  High Expectations Asian Father

Has 5 sons threw daughters away

Has 5 sons threw daughters away  High Expectations Asian Father

Math with Beason? Why you no study with Ayson?

Math with Beason? Why you no study with Ayson?  High Expectations Asian Father
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