High Expectations Asian Father

You are not c-sian or b-cian you are A-SIAN

You are not c-sian or b-cian you are A-SIAN  High Expectations Asian Father

4.0 this quarter? good job, i guess.

4.0 this quarter? good job, i guess.  High Expectations Asian Father

That color brings out your eyes? Why not it bring out your A's?

That color brings out your eyes? Why not it bring out your A's?  High Expectations Asian Father

Meal Plan B? Why not Meal plan a?!

Meal Plan B? Why not Meal plan a?!  High Expectations Asian Father

You're in IBT? Why not IB!

You're in IBT? Why not IB!  High Expectations Asian Father

Buying AA Batteries? Why not AAA?

Buying AA Batteries? Why not AAA?  High Expectations Asian Father

High expectations Asian father? Why not impossible expectations Jewish Asian mother?

High expectations Asian father? Why not impossible expectations Jewish Asian mother?  High Expectations Asian Father

you lift with dumbbells? why not smartbells?

you lift with dumbbells? why not smartbells?  High Expectations Asian Father


A'S WHY NOT A+'S  High Expectations Asian Father

2pac???? just come and and lick daddies asian balls before u go sleep

2pac???? just come and and lick daddies asian balls before u go sleep  High Expectations Asian Father
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