High Expectations Asian Father

See that bee? Neither did I, now go get an A

See that bee? Neither did I, now go get an A  High Expectations Asian Father

Low grade fever why not high grade fever?

Low grade fever why not high grade fever?  High Expectations Asian Father

Son studying for GMAT to try to get into B-School. Why not try to get into A-School?

Son studying for GMAT to try to get into B-School. Why not try to get into A-School?  High Expectations Asian Father

you got 4.0 GPA this semester? why not 4.0 GPA+

you got 4.0 GPA this semester? why not 4.0 GPA+  High Expectations Asian Father

getting good grades is essential you are asian, not b-sian

getting good grades is essential you are asian,                not b-sian  High Expectations Asian Father

daylight savings time? 1 more hour to study

daylight savings time? 1 more hour to study  High Expectations Asian Father

Why are asian's boobs so small? Because only A's are acceptable.

Why are asian's boobs so small? Because only A's are acceptable.  High Expectations Asian Father

You pick what college harvard or princeton

You pick what college harvard or princeton  High Expectations Asian Father

you eat at kfc? why you no eat at KF A+ ?

you eat at kfc? why you no eat at KF A+ ?  High Expectations Asian Father

To be or not to be? No. To A+, or to A+

To be or not to be? No. To A+, or to A+  High Expectations Asian Father
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