High Expectations Asian Father

Je bent 1300 rating BRUCE? WTF GAAAAAAAY

Je bent 1300 rating BRUCE? WTF GAAAAAAAY  High Expectations Asian Father

Penis size no matta on accounting exam

Penis size no matta on accounting exam  High Expectations Asian Father

You hit 3 pointer? Why not 4.0 pointer?

You hit 3 pointer? Why not 4.0 pointer?  High Expectations Asian Father

You get 36 on ACT test? Why you no get 100?

You get 36 on ACT test? Why you no get 100?  High Expectations Asian Father


CUNTS  High Expectations Asian Father

you want to play badminton? why not goodminton?

you want to play badminton? why not goodminton?  High Expectations Asian Father

when you success, you get hot wife like your mother

when you success, you get hot wife like your mother  High Expectations Asian Father

Doctor say your blood type B-? Why is not a+? Also, why you not doctor?

Doctor say your blood type B-? Why is not a+?
Also, why you not doctor?  High Expectations Asian Father

u asian with big calf muscle y u no play badminton?

u asian with big calf muscle y u no play badminton?  High Expectations Asian Father

Asian's Have small boobs because only A's are acceptable

Asian's Have small boobs  because only A's are acceptable   High Expectations Asian Father
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