Helpful Tyler Durden

jr. high school girl is turning into complete brat put her naked pics on 4chan & send her youtube vids to NBC. Parents finally get wakeup call.

jr. high school girl is turning into complete brat put her naked pics on 4chan & send her youtube vids to NBC. Parents finally get wakeup call.  Helpful Tyler Durden

inietta l'aids ad ogni singolo leader mondiale cura trovata in 7 giorni

inietta l'aids ad ogni singolo leader mondiale cura trovata in 7 giorni  Helpful Tyler Durden

Yea i smoke cigarettes... What are you gunna do about it

Yea i smoke cigarettes...  What are you gunna do about it  Helpful Tyler Durden

Trolls OP with fake money. OP gets tons of karma on reddit for the pic.

Trolls OP with fake money. OP gets tons of karma on reddit for the pic.  Helpful Tyler Durden

Take down your Work Email servers Force co workers to Get up and talk to eachother

Take down your Work Email servers Force co workers to Get up and talk to eachother   Helpful Tyler Durden

Takes reddit down Lets students study distraction free for finals

Takes reddit down Lets students study distraction free for finals  Helpful Tyler Durden

travels back in time to 1888, kicks guy in balls real hard hitler's birth = prevented

travels back in time to 1888, kicks guy in balls real hard hitler's birth = prevented  Helpful Tyler Durden

Steal someone's identity Improve their life

Steal someone's identity Improve their life  Helpful Tyler Durden

Poke holes in condoms Help maintain the world's population

Poke holes in condoms Help maintain the world's population  Helpful Tyler Durden

Constatntly blasts Ron Paul as 'unelectable' ron paul gains supporters

Constatntly blasts Ron Paul as 'unelectable' ron paul gains supporters  Helpful Tyler Durden
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