Helpful Tyler Durden

Trick forever alones into fake dates They all meet someone

Trick forever alones into fake dates They all meet someone  Helpful Tyler Durden

Names son Sue He grows up quick and mean, his fist gets hard and his wits get keen

Names son Sue He grows up quick and mean,
his fist gets hard and his wits get keen  Helpful Tyler Durden

Creates SOPA... To get more people involved in politics and make the country a better place.

Creates SOPA... To get more people involved in politics and make the country a better place.  Helpful Tyler Durden

Chases Fat fuck down hallway with baseball bat. They lose weight.

Chases Fat fuck down hallway with baseball bat. They lose weight.  Helpful Tyler Durden

Obliterate major oil lines Alternative Fuels implemented through necessity

Obliterate major oil lines Alternative Fuels implemented through necessity  Helpful Tyler Durden

Murder Wealthy Couple in Cold Blood Create Batman

Murder Wealthy Couple in Cold Blood Create Batman  Helpful Tyler Durden

drop empty purse helper feels good, thief feels bad

drop empty purse helper feels good, thief feels bad  Helpful Tyler Durden

puts laxatives in the college cafeteria food no one gets nervous to shit in the bathroom ever again

puts laxatives in the college cafeteria food no one gets nervous to shit in the bathroom ever again  Helpful Tyler Durden

Push old lady Carefully to her destination. Recommend an electric wheelchair.

Push old lady Carefully to her destination. Recommend an electric wheelchair.  Helpful Tyler Durden

Unite Humanity Against You Instant World Peace

Unite Humanity Against You Instant World Peace  Helpful Tyler Durden
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