
takes his friends on his first ride crashes into his teacher's house

takes his friends on his first ride crashes into his teacher's house  Hawkward

bring home black boyfriend Dad: "get the fuck out!"

bring home black boyfriend  Dad:

in a room with all dudes pants get tight

in a room with all dudes pants get tight  Hawkward

Un-add someone on facebook they message you asking why you un-added them

Un-add someone on facebook they message you asking why you un-added them  Hawkward

go to church with girlfriend and parents after you laid major pipe to her not 5 hours before

go to church with girlfriend and parents after you laid major pipe to her not 5 hours before  Hawkward

Walking along like you're really cool Trip on completely falt surface

Walking along like you're really cool Trip on completely falt surface  Hawkward

"What's white on top and black on bottom? Society." BLACK PEOPLE. ALL DIRECTIONS.

go to professor's office b/c your grades blow have a massive wood

go to professor's office b/c your grades blow have a  massive wood  Hawkward


That wasn't a joke

That wasn't a joke  Hawkward
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