Writes book about favorite chair Calls it Mein Kamphy Couch

Writes book about favorite chair Calls it Mein Kamphy Couch  HIPSTER HITLER

I was brainwashing children as a personal army before it was cool.

I was brainwashing children as a personal army before it was cool.  HIPSTER HITLER

Stuck in computer lab Due to Heil showers

Stuck in computer lab Due to Heil showers  HIPSTER HITLER

Without mein glasses I can Nazi where im goering

Without mein glasses I can Nazi where im goering  HIPSTER HITLER

-hitler sees KONY news- I am the feuher!

-hitler sees KONY news- I am the feuher!   HIPSTER HITLER

mien shirt is one of a kind i bought it at urban outfuhrer

mien shirt is one of a kind
 i bought it at urban outfuhrer  HIPSTER HITLER

I need a present for mein niece how about a barbie?

I need a present for mein niece how about a

The turkey goes goebbel goebbel goebbel

The turkey goes
 goebbel goebbel goebbel  HIPSTER HITLER

What's this? Neincat

What's this? Neincat  HIPSTER HITLER

My Favorite Website? Nein-gag

My Favorite Website? Nein-gag  HIPSTER HITLER
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