Grumpy Cat

Stop talking so i can try to remember why we're hanging out.

Stop talking so i can try to remember why we're hanging out.   Grumpy Cat

Hey I just met you and this is crazy Yep. . .

Hey I just met you and this is crazy Yep.  .  .  Grumpy Cat

TODD BER When you talk about his dick pic

TODD BER When you talk about his dick pic  Grumpy Cat

When life gives you lemons i don't like lemons

When life gives you lemons i don't like lemons  Grumpy Cat

I discussed positive discourse with Emma once It was awful

I discussed positive discourse with Emma once It was awful  Grumpy Cat

Emma's having an emo I still don't give a fuck

Emma's having an emo I still don't give a fuck  Grumpy Cat

i got 99 problems you're all of them.

i got 99 problems you're all of them.  Grumpy Cat

Cumulative finals I hate them

Cumulative finals I hate them  Grumpy Cat

I hate everyone

 I hate everyone  Grumpy Cat

off to my 'cat' scan

off to my 'cat' scan  Grumpy Cat
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