Grumpy Cat

Brings awesome lunch to work. Company caters Thanksgiving lunch.

Brings awesome lunch to work. Company caters Thanksgiving lunch.  Grumpy Cat

Gus Keeps Giving Me Stuff to Read Stahp!!!

Gus Keeps Giving Me Stuff to Read Stahp!!!  Grumpy Cat

Parabens. miau.

Parabens.  miau.  Grumpy Cat

People who think they know it all Really annoy those of us who really do

People who think they know it all Really annoy those of us who really do  Grumpy Cat

Questions? No?.. Good

Questions? No?.. Good   Grumpy Cat

Data Entry In Progress Do Not Disturb Unless: -The World is Ending -The Sky is Falling -It is a matter of life and death -you have wine

Data Entry In Progress
Do Not Disturb Unless: -The World is Ending
-The Sky is Falling
-It is a matter of life and death
-you have wine  Grumpy Cat

There are people who like bruce springsteen and there are people who should die

There are people who like bruce springsteen and there are people who should die  Grumpy Cat

jesus loves me? then why did he cheat on me with juan?

jesus loves me? then why did he cheat on me with juan?  Grumpy Cat

fuck you garfield and fuck your god damn lasagna to death

fuck you garfield  and fuck your god damn lasagna  to death  Grumpy Cat

All I want for my birthday is a big booty no

All I want for my birthday is a big booty no  Grumpy Cat
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