Greedy Pete

The only thing bigger than his head is his abnormally large cock

The only thing bigger than his head is his abnormally large cock  Greedy Pete

drinks v falls asleep

drinks v falls asleep  Greedy Pete

Gets a season membership forgets which team he barracks for

Gets a season membership forgets which team he barracks for  Greedy Pete

Buys mineral water because it's exotic

Buys mineral water because it's exotic  Greedy Pete

Organises Event cancels on the day

Organises Event cancels on the day  Greedy Pete

station at 6 am wakes up at 9am

station at 6 am wakes up at 9am  Greedy Pete

flirts with girlfriends enemy no sex tonight

flirts with girlfriends enemy no sex tonight  Greedy Pete

Brags that he is the captain of East Sunbury Named on the bench in the reserves

Brags that he is the captain of East Sunbury Named on the bench in the reserves  Greedy Pete

bets his life savings for the fun of it

bets his life savings for the fun of it  Greedy Pete

Too tired to go to girlfriends Plays XBox with mates instead

Too tired to go to girlfriends Plays XBox with mates instead  Greedy Pete
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