Greedy Pete

Asks to borrow money from mum goes into bankruptcy

Asks to borrow money from mum goes into bankruptcy  Greedy Pete

Borrows his mates footy Loses it

Borrows his mates footy Loses it  Greedy Pete

wins the toss kicks footy wrong way

wins the toss kicks footy wrong way  Greedy Pete

Runs into open goal hits the post

Runs into open goal hits the post  Greedy Pete

Goes to band camp Doesn't bring a flute

Goes to band camp Doesn't bring a flute  Greedy Pete

Tells everyone to be at station by 7 Arrives quarter past 9

Tells everyone to be at station by 7 Arrives quarter past 9  Greedy Pete

fishes for likes never gets any

fishes for likes never gets any  Greedy Pete

brags about his teams win didn't watch the game

brags about his teams win didn't watch the game  Greedy Pete

makes plans with mates doesn't show up

makes plans with mates doesn't show up  Greedy Pete

Plays football Gives 110%

Plays football Gives 110%  Greedy Pete
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