Good guy parents

Buys a ton of candy for Trick or Treat Saves all of the good stuff for you

Buys a ton of candy for Trick or Treat Saves all of the good stuff for you  Good guy parents

Knows both of them grew up as shy kids Doesn't yell at their kids for being shy as well

Knows both of them grew up as shy kids Doesn't yell at their kids for being shy as well  Good guy parents

Complains about welfare abusers but hates Republicans Votes Libertarian

Complains about welfare abusers but hates Republicans Votes Libertarian  Good guy parents

Help you in everyway through your difficult phase Just want to see you smile again

Help you in everyway through your difficult phase Just want to see you smile again  Good guy parents

knows you're atheist in spite of mormon upbringing attends your pastafarian wedding and sends you to the hilton resort

knows you're atheist in spite of mormon upbringing attends your pastafarian wedding and sends you to the hilton resort  Good guy parents

give you stuff as gift sell it when you dont need it anymore and give you the money

give you stuff as gift sell it when you dont need it anymore and give you the money  Good guy parents

Offer to pay for college support my choice of major, no strings attached

Offer to pay for college support my choice of major, no strings attached  Good guy parents

Unemployed, going broke, having to go back to school "You don't have to give us anything, this is our problem, save your money"

Unemployed, going broke, having to go back to school

Were scumbag parents until i had kids of my own

Were scumbag parents until i had kids of my own  Good guy parents

invites daughters boyfriend to move into their place move out and become homeless so they can have that shit to themselves

invites daughters boyfriend to move into their place move out and become homeless so they can have that shit to themselves  Good guy parents
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