Good guy parents

Knows son is only pretending to sleep Intentionally bumps his head into walls while carrying him up to his room

Knows son is only pretending to sleep Intentionally bumps his head into walls while carrying him up to his room  Good guy parents

finds out son is dyslexic Sends him to expensive specialty school out of pocket

finds out son is dyslexic  Sends him to expensive specialty school out of pocket    Good guy parents

Knows you party and drink alcohol "As long as you are safe we don't mind"

Knows you party and drink alcohol

sees you helped their daughter pack/ move/ unpack for 48 hours invites you over for supper, drinks, swimming, pays for a cab ride home and gives you left overs for work the next day

sees you helped their daughter pack/ move/ unpack for 48 hours invites you over for supper, drinks, swimming, pays for a cab ride home and gives you left overs for work the next day  Good guy parents

Wife to his right dies Pays for every bit of son's education while becoming a better, more loving father to make up for missing half

Wife to his right dies  Pays for every bit of son's education while becoming a better, more loving father to make up for missing half  Good guy parents

British HOUSEHOLD: Girl: *throwing up* Mother: Oh my God! Darling, are you alright? You'll be staying home from school today. Just lie down and let me grab the medicine, honey.

Girl: *throwing up*
 Mother: Oh my God! Darling, are you alright? You'll be staying home from school today. Just lie down and let me grab the medicine, honey.  Good guy parents

Knows you save money by hiding it. Hides small amounts of money everywhere before you have to clean.

Knows you save money by hiding it. Hides small amounts of money everywhere before you have to clean.  Good guy parents

AMERICAN HOUSEHOLD: Girl: *throwing up* Mother: Oh my God! Cynthia, are you alright? You'll be staying home from school today. Just lie down and let me grab the medicine, honey.

Girl: *throwing up*
 Mother: Oh my God! Cynthia, are you alright? You'll be staying home from school today. Just lie down and let me grab the medicine, honey.  Good guy parents

Dad loses job and is offered a high paying job out of state Parents make due with a lower paying job so my brother can finish high school with his friends

Dad loses job and is offered a high paying job out of state Parents make due with a lower paying job so my brother can finish high school with his friends  Good guy parents

Didn't do anything horrible or heroic as parents Just loved and raised their kids

Didn't do anything horrible or heroic as parents Just loved and raised their kids  Good guy parents
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