Good guy parents

Find out that you're homosexual, atheist, and have opposite political views Love you anyways because "that's what Jesus would do"

Find out that you're homosexual, atheist, and have opposite political views Love you anyways because

Phone gets message when you leave the room Doesn't read message and tells you that you got one

Phone gets message when you leave the room Doesn't read message and tells you that you got one  Good guy parents

your sick and can't go to school lets you play video games anyways

your sick and can't go to school lets you play video games anyways  Good guy parents

Brags about going to Woodstock Doesn't give you shit for doing drugs

Brags about going to Woodstock Doesn't give you shit for doing drugs  Good guy parents

Knows you're into computers Is up to date on everything internet and video game related

Knows you're into computers Is up to date on everything internet and video game related  Good guy parents

Worked 4 jobs combined to help save for college Supportive when I decided to become a musician instead

Worked 4 jobs combined to help save for college Supportive when I decided to become a musician instead  Good guy parents

contributes good guy parents memes and not reskinned Overly Permissive Hippie Parents memes

contributes good guy parents memes and not reskinned Overly Permissive Hippie Parents memes  Good guy parents

Parents force to grow up when you're born Work their fingers to the bone to make sure you have a happy life

Parents force to grow up when you're born Work their fingers to the bone to make sure you have a happy life  Good guy parents

Buys a ton of candy for Trick or Treat Saves all of the good stuff for you

Buys a ton of candy for Trick or Treat Saves all of the good stuff for you  Good guy parents

Have strong personal beliefs Allow their children to foster their own beliefs as they grow up

Have strong personal beliefs Allow their children to foster their own beliefs as they grow up  Good guy parents
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