Good guy parents

Goes on Vacation stocks the outdoor fridge full of beer

Goes on Vacation stocks the outdoor fridge full of beer  Good guy parents

Finds out you are throwing a kegger "Would it be OK if we stopped by?"

Finds out you are throwing a kegger

Brought me into the world Gave me food, water, and shelter.

Brought me into the world Gave me food, water, and shelter.  Good guy parents

Knows you like to party "Call me if you need a ride"

Knows you like to party

gets divorced when you're two never fights in front of you, has all child support discussions behind closed doors, remain genuinely friendly to each other

gets divorced when you're two never fights in front of you, has all child support discussions behind closed doors, remain genuinely friendly to each other  Good guy parents

Buys back N64 from Gamespot when you sold it back because you weren't old/mature enough to understand how much you were getting ripped off

Buys back N64 from Gamespot when you sold it back because you weren't old/mature enough to understand how much you were getting ripped off  Good guy parents

Car breaks again pays repair bill because they know you're saving for an engagement ring.

Car breaks again pays repair bill because they know you're saving for an engagement ring.   Good guy parents

Wake you up in the morning Know you have a stiffy, leave

Wake you up in the morning Know you have a stiffy, leave  Good guy parents

Knows you have mental health issues wants you to take your medicine so you can function in every day life

Knows you have mental health issues wants you to take your medicine so you can function in every day life  Good guy parents

Feeds you and puts a roof over your head

Feeds you and puts a  roof over your head  Good guy parents
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