Good guy gates

gets pied in the face for being too rich gives half his money to charity

gets pied in the face for being too rich gives half his 
money to charity  Good guy gates

Dennis Ritchie had greater influence than Steve Jobs Knowes it

Dennis Ritchie had greater influence than Steve Jobs Knowes it  Good guy gates

Charity like a bau5 Shadow like a vase

Charity like a bau5 Shadow like a vase  Good guy gates

Is filthy rich creates a scholarship for smart underprivileged kids.

Is filthy rich creates a scholarship for smart underprivileged kids.  Good guy gates

Makes Billions spends rest of life giving it away

Makes Billions spends rest of life giving it away  Good guy gates

Not steve jobs

 Not steve jobs  Good guy gates

Why yes! Yes I am the one who will soon own your children! #StopCommonCore Parents and Educators Against Common Core Standards

Why yes!  Yes I am the one who will soon own your children! #StopCommonCore
Parents and Educators Against Common Core Standards  Good guy gates

Donates 750m to charity doesn't care about not getting publicity

Donates 750m to charity doesn't care about not getting publicity  Good guy gates

Steve Jobs says he is "basically unimaginative and has never invented anything" Isn't dead

Steve Jobs says he is

is the 1% feels he dosent get taxed enough

is the 1% feels he dosent get taxed enough  Good guy gates
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