Good Guy Will Smith

Has seen an alien craft in action once Qualified to fly that shit to space

Has seen an alien craft in action once Qualified to fly that shit to space  Good Guy Will Smith

Huge repertoire of block buster films Still gets requests to sing the theme song from his first show Actually sings the song

Huge repertoire of block buster films Still gets requests to sing the theme song from his first show Actually sings the song  Good Guy Will Smith

having a stripper girlfriend harms his nasa application still asking her to marry him

having a stripper girlfriend harms his nasa application still asking her to 
marry him  Good Guy Will Smith

aliens invade not even mad

aliens invade not even mad  Good Guy Will Smith

Aliens invade on 4th of july still has fireworks

Aliens invade on 4th of july still has fireworks  Good Guy Will Smith

Happy birfday

Happy  birfday  Good Guy Will Smith

Gets 80 In market Research I Aint even mad

Gets 80 In market Research I Aint even mad  Good Guy Will Smith

Starred in several Blockbuster movies Drives his kids to soccer practice in a minivan

Starred in several Blockbuster movies Drives his kids to soccer practice in a minivan  Good Guy Will Smith
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