Good Guy Hipster

Doesn't care about NFL Replacement Refs. Listens while you bitch about them.

Doesn't care about NFL Replacement Refs. Listens while you bitch about them.  Good Guy Hipster

Hears you got your dog at a pet store Still pets your dog.

Hears you got your dog at a pet store Still pets your dog.  Good Guy Hipster

Finds out you got your Beatles Shirt at Old Navy Doesn't brag that his shirt came from a concert his Grandpa went to.

Finds out you got your Beatles Shirt at Old Navy Doesn't brag that his shirt came from a concert his Grandpa went to.  Good Guy Hipster

Hears you're voting romney. Doesn't go on 30 minute tirade.

Hears you're voting romney. Doesn't go on 30 minute tirade.  Good Guy Hipster

Allergic to Peanuts Holds his breath while you eat trail mix.

Allergic to Peanuts Holds his breath while you eat trail mix.  Good Guy Hipster

Puts on a Foreign movie Translates the dialogue.

Puts on a Foreign movie Translates the dialogue.  Good Guy Hipster

Find new cool band tells you about them

Find new cool band tells you about them  Good Guy Hipster

Finds out you don't recycle Offers to sort your trash and recycle for you.

Finds out you don't recycle Offers to sort your trash and recycle for you.  Good Guy Hipster

Sees your plastic bag broke Carries your stuff in his canvas bag.

Sees your plastic bag broke Carries your stuff in his canvas bag.  Good Guy Hipster

Catches you squinting Gives you his enormous yet fashionable glasses

Catches you squinting Gives you his enormous yet fashionable glasses  Good Guy Hipster
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