Good Girl Gina

Knows She Is Hot Puts topless pics on facebook

Knows She Is Hot Puts topless pics on facebook  Good Girl Gina

Gets raped blames herself and doesn't pursue legal action

Gets raped blames herself and doesn't pursue legal action  Good Girl Gina

Says I spend too much time on reddit Joins herself

Says I spend too much time on reddit Joins herself  Good Girl Gina

Borrows your computer uses Internet explorer to avoid seeing awkward links in your Firefox history

Borrows your computer uses Internet explorer to avoid seeing awkward links in your Firefox history  Good Girl Gina

Gets a hair cut Doesn't flip shit when you don't notice

Gets a hair cut Doesn't flip shit when you don't notice  Good Girl Gina

Gives you her number it's her real number

Gives you her number it's her real number  Good Girl Gina

Is on period. Doesn't use it as crutch to be a bitch.

Is on period. Doesn't use it as crutch to be a bitch.  Good Girl Gina

part of twenty-person class project does 1/4 of the work

part of twenty-person class project does 1/4 of the work  Good Girl Gina

SAys she doesn't want to do anything on valentine's day actually means it

SAys she doesn't want to do anything on valentine's day actually means it  Good Girl Gina

"I think you should buy a playstation 4." "It's a long-term investment that you'll get a lot of use out of and won't have to replace in a year, unlike a damn ipad."

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