Good Girl Gina

Makes a Sandwich for herself With the end pieces

Makes a Sandwich for herself With the end pieces  Good Girl Gina

You come home drunk at 4 AM Gets you some water, advil, and tucks you in

You come home drunk at 4 AM Gets you some water, advil, and tucks you in  Good Girl Gina

you come home from work S's TFU

you come home from work S's TFU  Good Girl Gina

. . . "you kinda look like olivia wilde" Doesn't get jealous. Takes it as a compliment.

. . .

Can be your china doll If you want to see her fall

Can be your china doll If you want to see her fall  Good Girl Gina

Wears yoga pants Everywhwere

Wears yoga pants Everywhwere  Good Girl Gina

Can't have sex because of period blow job

Can't have sex because of period blow job  Good Girl Gina

Doesn't smoke doesn't care that you do

Doesn't smoke doesn't care that you do  Good Girl Gina

Randomly asks to borrow a lighter Offers to smoke you up

Randomly asks to borrow a lighter Offers to smoke you up  Good Girl Gina

Socially Awkward Guy Asks For her Phone Number Gives it to him Because She feels he's in need of a confidence boost

Socially Awkward Guy Asks For her Phone Number Gives it to him Because She feels he's in need of a confidence boost  Good Girl Gina
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