Good Girl Gina

Sees you getting soaked in the rain offers to share her umbrella with you

Sees you getting soaked in the rain offers to share her umbrella with you  Good Girl Gina

Doesn't blow up your phone when you don't reply Because she trusts you're not cheating on her

Doesn't blow up your phone when you don't reply Because she trusts you're not cheating on her  Good Girl Gina

gives husband sex shuts the fuck up all other times

gives husband sex shuts the fuck up all other times  Good Girl Gina

Gives blowjob in the evening Suggests anal at night

Gives blowjob in the evening  Suggests anal at night  Good Girl Gina

catches you jacking off helps you out

catches you jacking off helps you out  Good Girl Gina

Doesn't Try to kill you in your sleep

Doesn't Try to kill you in your sleep  Good Girl Gina

is your girlfriend also best friend

is your girlfriend also best friend   Good Girl Gina

knows you're taking a dump and are going to miss the start of the game pauses the tv, finds your jersey, and puts it on your seat

knows you're taking a dump and are 
going to miss the start of the game pauses the tv, finds your jersey,
and puts it on your seat  Good Girl Gina

smokes weed with her boyfriend and his friends defends him in a socially cool way when he can't smoke as much as them because he's a professional singer

smokes weed with her boyfriend and his friends defends him in a socially cool way when he can't smoke as much as them because he's a professional singer  Good Girl Gina

Has small chest area Laughs about it instead of complaining

Has small chest area Laughs about it instead of complaining  Good Girl Gina
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