Good Girl Gina

Is more bothered by mess than you cleans to a standard she is comfortable with and doesn't complain about it.

Is more bothered by mess than you cleans to a standard she is comfortable with and doesn't complain about it.  Good Girl Gina

Says she doesn't want anything for Valentine's Day Means it

Says she doesn't want anything for Valentine's Day Means it  Good Girl Gina

Points out What this meme has become

Points out What this meme has become  Good Girl Gina

has period pains and pregnancy doesn't tell guys that they have it easy

has period pains and pregnancy doesn't tell guys that they have it easy  Good Girl Gina

wants to try anal

wants to try anal   Good Girl Gina

Grabs me by the weiner and says "penis erectus" Proceeds to say "that's some Harry Potter shit right there"

Grabs me by the weiner and says

Not a sociopath

Not a sociopath  Good Girl Gina

Ran out of condoms Suggests anal

Ran out of condoms Suggests anal  Good Girl Gina

thinks you might be hitting on her tells you random story about her "boyfriend"

thinks you might be hitting on her tells you random story about her

"Hey, can I sit on your lap?" Sits on thighs

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