Good Girl Gabby

Laughs at puns

 Laughs at puns  Good Girl Gabby

Doesn't know who Stephen Hawking is reads about him

Doesn't know who Stephen Hawking is reads about him  Good Girl Gabby

too high to move and have sex? gives you head

too high to move and have sex? gives you head  Good Girl Gabby

Knows you're stuck teaching 3 hour biology labs for 9 hours a day. Uses her lunch break to bring you Chipotle. With guacamole.

Knows you're stuck teaching 3 hour biology labs for 9 hours a day. Uses her lunch break to bring you Chipotle. With guacamole.  Good Girl Gabby

   Good Girl Gabby

Get Swtor beta invite gives it to you

Get Swtor beta invite gives it to you  Good Girl Gabby

Is Scumbag Stacy

 Is Scumbag Stacy  Good Girl Gabby

Is having really bad cramps this month Doesn't complain to anyone about it

Is having really bad cramps this month Doesn't complain to anyone about it  Good Girl Gabby

Thinks your best friend is hot Doesn't date him

Thinks your best friend is hot Doesn't date him  Good Girl Gabby

doesn't blow your phone up when you are out with the guys Has a bong packed for when you get home

doesn't blow your phone up when you are out with the  guys  Has a bong packed for when you get home  Good Girl Gabby
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