Gaming Gopher

Claims that consoles are superior never tried playing a PC game in his life

Claims that consoles are superior never tried playing a PC game in his life  Gaming Gopher

Hogs all the good weapons Loses them to the opoonents

Hogs all the good weapons Loses them to the opoonents  Gaming Gopher

Plays call of duty 12 hours a day Thinks he can last in a real war

Plays call of duty 12 hours a day Thinks he can last in a real war  Gaming Gopher

buy a game with a fantastic coop no friends to play

buy a game with a fantastic coop no friends to play  Gaming Gopher

I'm awesome at super smash bros. brawl only uses top tier characters & ganon

I'm awesome at super smash bros. brawl only uses top tier characters & ganon  Gaming Gopher

shoots bullet in black ops killed someone in halo reach gaming powers.....

shoots bullet in black ops  killed someone in halo reach 
gaming powers.....   Gaming Gopher

gets to miranda sex scene makes seperate save file to watch it constantly

gets to miranda sex scene makes seperate save file to watch it constantly  Gaming Gopher

   Gaming Gopher

Complains about pointless, playtime-padding gameplay features 15th PRESTIGE

Complains about pointless, playtime-padding gameplay features 15th PRESTIGE  Gaming Gopher

Says consoles are inferior to PC's Owns every Consoles

Says consoles are inferior to PC's
 Owns every Consoles  Gaming Gopher
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