Gets hundreds of facebook happy brithdays Likes them all

Gets hundreds of facebook happy brithdays Likes them all  GOOD GUY GREG 2

Goes out to eat and meal gets comped Leaves tip equal to the price of the meal

Goes out to eat and meal gets comped Leaves tip equal to the price of the meal  GOOD GUY GREG 2

Studies for finals Does not make a Facebook status about it

Studies for finals Does not make a Facebook status about it   GOOD GUY GREG 2

has facebook doesn't post memes from reddit

has facebook doesn't post memes from reddit  GOOD GUY GREG 2

Asks for a cup for water Gets water

Asks for a cup for water Gets water  GOOD GUY GREG 2

Sees your windows are rolled down Turns down his music

Sees your windows are rolled down Turns down his music  GOOD GUY GREG 2

is academ understands his major is easier

is academ understands his major is easier  GOOD GUY GREG 2

Someone corrects the spelling in his post. Upvote

Someone corrects the spelling in his post. Upvote  GOOD GUY GREG 2

plays facebook games doesn't flood your notifications with requests

plays facebook games doesn't flood your notifications with requests  GOOD GUY GREG 2
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