Futurama Fry

Can't tell if thunder or building blowing up

Can't tell if thunder or building blowing up  Futurama Fry

Not sure if getting looks because i look good, Or just because i happen to be wearing a suit today

Not sure if getting looks because i look good, Or just because i happen to be wearing a suit today  Futurama Fry

Not sure if genuinely interested in law or just high on adderall

Not sure if genuinely interested in law or just high on adderall  Futurama Fry

Not sure if actually town hall debate Or just finger pointing match

Not sure if actually town hall debate Or just finger pointing match
  Futurama Fry

Not sure Max scherzer is having a great day pitching Or the yankees are just really bad.

Not sure Max scherzer is having a great day pitching Or the yankees are just really bad.  Futurama Fry

Not sure if someone had extreme diarrhea Or had a poo fight

Not sure if someone had extreme diarrhea Or had a poo fight  Futurama Fry

Not sure if I'm upvoting this because of her costume or because she's really hot

Not sure if I'm upvoting this because of her costume or because she's really hot  Futurama Fry

Not sure if he's actually concerned Or just baiting me into admitting that I live with his daughter

Not sure if he's actually concerned Or just baiting me into admitting that I live with his daughter  Futurama Fry

Not sure if A.D.D Or just senioritis

Not sure if A.D.D Or just senioritis  Futurama Fry

not sure if found missing sock or lost another

not sure if found missing sock or lost another  Futurama Fry
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