Futurama Fry

Not sure if my French sucks Or if the French are being dicks

Not sure if my French sucks Or if the French are being dicks  Futurama Fry

Not sure if democrat or just hate mitt romney

Not sure if democrat or just hate mitt romney  Futurama Fry

Not sure if blood in stool or just red dye from hot cheetos

Not sure if blood in stool or just red dye from hot cheetos  Futurama Fry

Not sure if she's bald for beiber or actually has cancer

Not sure if she's bald for beiber or actually has cancer  Futurama Fry

Not sure if I forgot to pay my phone bill Or just forever alone

Not sure if I forgot to pay my phone bill Or just forever alone  Futurama Fry

Not sure if Irish accent Or American accent

Not sure if Irish accent Or American accent  Futurama Fry

Not sure if it's a c flat diminished Or a b sharp demolished

Not sure if it's a c flat diminished Or a b sharp demolished  Futurama Fry

Not sure if I smell bad Or it's my roommate

Not sure if I smell bad Or it's my roommate  Futurama Fry

Not sure if plagiarized Or just wrote a very good sentence

Not sure if plagiarized Or just wrote a very good sentence  Futurama Fry

Not sure whether created by intelligence Or brainless molecules somehow made themselves into humans

Not sure whether created by intelligence Or brainless molecules somehow made themselves into humans  Futurama Fry
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