Futurama Fry

not sure if I like these people or just don't hate them

not sure if I like these people or just don't hate them
  Futurama Fry

Not sure if guy next door is great at sex or he fucks great fakers

Not sure if guy next door is great at sex  or he fucks great fakers  Futurama Fry

Not sure if Actually found weed growing and wants to tell reddit Or just wants karma

Not sure if Actually found weed growing and wants to tell reddit Or just wants karma  Futurama Fry

Not sure if that wasn't as bad as I expected or I'm still high on the pain meds I was given

Not sure if that wasn't as bad as I expected or I'm still high on the pain meds I was given  Futurama Fry

Not sure if service sucks Or no one is txting me back

Not sure if service sucks Or no one is txting me back  Futurama Fry

Not sure if legitimate ice cream truck or pedo rape van

Not sure if legitimate ice cream truck  or pedo rape van  Futurama Fry

Not sure if they're dating or he's in 9th circle of friendzone

Not sure if they're dating or he's in 9th circle of friendzone  Futurama Fry

Not sure if documentary or deleted scenes from Idiocracy

Not sure if documentary or deleted scenes from Idiocracy  Futurama Fry

Not sure if all cute boots have unrealistic dimensions Or my calves are forever out of control (thanks Mike)

Not sure if all cute boots have unrealistic dimensions Or my calves are forever out of control
(thanks Mike)  Futurama Fry

Not sure if friends are finally joining Reddit or if more people are reposting to Facebook

Not sure if friends are finally joining Reddit or if more people are reposting to Facebook  Futurama Fry
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