Futurama Fry

Not sure if m Or rn

Not sure if m Or rn  Futurama Fry

Not sure if deleting friends is fun or more of a chore.

Not sure if deleting friends is fun or more of a chore.  Futurama Fry

Seems Legit

Seems Legit   Futurama Fry

Not sure if actually hot or just a nova 9

Not sure if actually hot or just a nova 9  Futurama Fry

cant tell if taylor swift song Or dubstep

cant tell if taylor swift song Or dubstep  Futurama Fry

Not sure if it's because of mutual connections Or if they're digging for info

Not sure if it's because of mutual connections Or if they're digging for info  Futurama Fry

Not sure if Seth MacFarlane was funny, Or just making a jack ass out of himself.

Not sure if Seth MacFarlane was funny, Or just making a jack ass out of himself.  Futurama Fry

Not sure if blizzard banned gold sellers or my realm is dead.

Not sure if blizzard banned gold sellers or my realm is dead.  Futurama Fry

Not sure if rambling Or if I have just understood Heideggers philosophy properly

Not sure if rambling Or if I have just understood Heideggers philosophy properly  Futurama Fry

not sure if meme or just people trying to get upvotes

not sure if meme or just people trying 
to get upvotes  Futurama Fry
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