Friend Zone Fiona

You're my new best friend! My last "best friend" finally wised up, realized he's never getting any, and stopped responding to my requests to run errands for me

You're my new best friend! My last

"we should go out sometime" for lunch

You'll be fighting girls off with a stick No girls even bother to be interested for years

You'll be fighting girls off with a stick No girls even bother to be interested for years  Friend Zone Fiona

Wants to marry you ON FACEBOOK

Wants to marry you ON FACEBOOK  Friend Zone Fiona

Promises a 'happy ending' in this disney movie.

Promises a 'happy ending' in this disney movie.   Friend Zone Fiona

Tells you how cute you are and how you are like a brother to her that she has no sexual feelings for...

Tells you how cute you are and how you are like a brother to her that she has no sexual feelings for...  Friend Zone Fiona

"I just don't like you in that way" Asexual

says she "doesnt want to lead you on" LEADS YOU ON!!

says she

holds your hand at the movies "just friends"

holds your hand at the movies

"can i play with your bird... i mean cock -atiel"

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