Friend Zone Fiona

I really value our friendship Doesn't answer calls/texts when she has a boyfriend

I really value our friendship Doesn't answer calls/texts when she has a boyfriend  Friend Zone Fiona

"i'm not ready for a relationship right now" Facebook status two days later: "In a relationship"

texts you saying "heyyyy :)" Stops replying after 5 texts Caption 3 goes here

texts you saying

"Where are all the good guys?" in the friend zone where you left them

"i would date you if i were single" ignores you after her breakup

"you ARE so funny"

"I want to date someone like you.." "Just not you."

Says how annoying one girl is starts friendship with her one day later

Says how annoying one girl is starts friendship with her one day later  Friend Zone Fiona

"if she doesn't want you she doesnt deserve you" doesn't want you

Confides in you would never date you

Confides in you  would never date you  Friend Zone Fiona
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