Friend Zone Fiona

Breaks up with you Friendzones you and complains about how you were better than current boyfriend

Breaks up with you Friendzones you and complains about how you were better than current boyfriend  Friend Zone Fiona

A good friend Dealing with your crush on her as best she can

A good friend Dealing with your crush on her as best she can  Friend Zone Fiona

"You're so funny!" "Because you're short."

"I like to keep my pubes trimmed short" You are never going to see them.

I want you to screw me a new shelf in this wall

I want you to screw me a new shelf in this wall  Friend Zone Fiona

Says no when you ask her out criticizes every other girl you date

Says no when you ask her out criticizes every other girl you date   Friend Zone Fiona

What A bitch I guess I'll keep trying

What A bitch I guess I'll keep trying  Friend Zone Fiona

Reads the poem you wrote her. If only more guys were like you

Reads the poem you wrote her. If only more guys were like you  Friend Zone Fiona

Mistreats you She probably suffers from deep seeded problems, excuse her and move forward.

Mistreats you She probably suffers from deep seeded problems, excuse her and move forward.  Friend Zone Fiona

"Do you want to get together and study at my house?" Actually studies

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