Foul Bachelor Frog

Kick over powder detergent in bedroom new air freshener

Kick over powder detergent in bedroom new air freshener  Foul Bachelor Frog

Check your weight on a scale Take a dump...Weigh yourself again

Check your weight on a scale Take a dump...Weigh yourself again  Foul Bachelor Frog

why did the semen cross the road? because I put on the wrong sock this morning.

why did the semen cross the road? because I put on the wrong sock this morning.  Foul Bachelor Frog

Period pain? Try pissing after wanking with soap

Period pain? Try pissing after wanking with soap  Foul Bachelor Frog

Pee without holding dick No need to wash hands

Pee without holding dick No need to wash hands  Foul Bachelor Frog

boxers smell funky put on another layer to cover them up

boxers smell funky put on another layer to cover them up  Foul Bachelor Frog

clean out ears with pipe cleaner ... is that blood?!

clean out ears with pipe cleaner ... is that blood?!  Foul Bachelor Frog

don't have any clean laundry better febreze all my clothes again

don't have any clean laundry better febreze all my clothes again  Foul Bachelor Frog

Empty bottle laying around? In-room urinal.

Empty bottle laying around? In-room urinal.  Foul Bachelor Frog

Misses the toilet cleans up with the bathroom rug

Misses the toilet cleans up with the bathroom rug  Foul Bachelor Frog
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