Foul Bachelor Frog

wiped best i could itchy asshole alllll day.

wiped best i could itchy asshole alllll day.  Foul Bachelor Frog

No hot water in dorm for two days Use a BZK instead

No hot water in dorm for two days Use a BZK instead  Foul Bachelor Frog

taking piss, someone else walks into bathroom forced to wash hands

taking piss, someone else walks into bathroom forced to wash hands  Foul Bachelor Frog

enter mcdonald's on a first name basis with every single member of staff

enter mcdonald's  on a first name basis with every single member of staff  Foul Bachelor Frog

resolve to eat healthier pizza counts as health food, right?

resolve to eat healthier pizza counts as health food, right?   Foul Bachelor Frog

fap to help sleep fap to help wake up

fap to help sleep fap to help wake up  Foul Bachelor Frog

Lost Remote stuck watching PBS all day

Lost Remote stuck watching PBS all day  Foul Bachelor Frog

Car pulls in while fapping The race is on

Car pulls in while fapping The race is on  Foul Bachelor Frog

Unsure how clean ass is after shit Take a shower and use your hands to clean

Unsure how clean ass is after shit Take a shower and use your hands to clean  Foul Bachelor Frog

Buys Large Box Of Tissues Not Sick

Buys Large Box Of Tissues Not Sick  Foul Bachelor Frog
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