Forever Alone

Thinks co-worker laughed at funny joke He just moved his mouse swiftly on wood desk

Thinks co-worker laughed at funny joke He just moved his mouse swiftly on wood desk  Forever Alone

Phone vibrates Phantom vibration

Phone vibrates Phantom vibration  Forever Alone

parents buy me corsage for prom

parents buy me corsage  for prom  Forever Alone

Broke both hands No pleasure for a while.

Broke both hands No pleasure for a while.  Forever Alone

Sepnds all summer inside on the computer. Say you went out with your friends

Sepnds all summer inside on the computer. Say you went out with your friends  Forever Alone

got gift on sims social from self on a second account

got gift on sims social from self on a second account  Forever Alone

Leak bugs to chrisso Chrisso didn't suck my dick

Leak bugs to chrisso Chrisso didn't suck my dick  Forever Alone

Buy gum to fix bad breath Talk to no one all day, finish gum packet anyway

Buy gum to fix bad breath Talk to no one all day, finish gum packet anyway  Forever Alone

Girl replies to you on twitter Doesn't know how to reply

Girl replies to you on twitter Doesn't know how to reply  Forever Alone

Finally part of a group! is the 1%

Finally part of a group! is the 1%  Forever Alone
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