Forever Alone

Hello My Friend! Happy Birthday! Chibi Chibi

Hello My Friend! Happy Birthday! Chibi Chibi  Forever Alone

Goes to a Justin Beiber concert hoping to get laid all the girls are 14 with braces

Goes to a Justin Beiber concert hoping to get laid all the girls are 14 with braces   Forever Alone

Sees overly attached girlfriend meme gets jealous

Sees overly attached girlfriend meme gets jealous  Forever Alone

Tells reddit yesterday that it's my real-life birthday not a single acknowledgement

Tells reddit yesterday that it's my real-life birthday  not a single acknowledgement   Forever Alone

Gets a text automated traffic report

Gets a text automated traffic report  Forever Alone

Found a new word Socializing

Found a new word Socializing   Forever Alone

"Fuck off you indie wanker?" yeah i have that on vinyl

67 link karma 0 comment karma

67 link karma 0 comment karma  Forever Alone

when i have a hot waitress i try to piss her off so she will spit in my food it is almost like we are kissing

when i have a hot waitress i try to piss her off so she will spit in my food it is almost like
we are kissing  Forever Alone

had Dream of cute girl agreeing to go out she spends entire time away from me talking to other guys

had Dream of cute girl agreeing to go out she spends entire time away from me talking to other guys  Forever Alone
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