Forever Alone

add mum on facebook she declines

add mum on facebook she declines   Forever Alone

Buys Condoms as water balloons

Buys Condoms as water balloons  Forever Alone

Enables push notifications Pretends they are texts

Enables push notifications  Pretends they are texts  Forever Alone

Alek y u suck dick

Alek y u suck dick  Forever Alone

Drunk Dialled My Ex Co-Workers

Drunk Dialled My Ex Co-Workers  Forever Alone

my post has a comment it was from me

my post has a comment it was from me  Forever Alone

metal Song about hopeless people Automatically friend thinks of you

metal Song about hopeless people Automatically friend thinks of you   Forever Alone

Passionately Sings both parts of "Somewhere Out there"

Passionately Sings both parts of

college offers free hiv testing won't be necessary

college offers free hiv testing won't be necessary   Forever Alone

Receives 17 text messages in class Realizes pen in pocket was holding down the on/off button

Receives 17 text messages in class Realizes pen in pocket was holding down the on/off button  Forever Alone
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