Forever Alone

play minecraft with charlotte

play minecraft with charlotte  Forever Alone

forget to turn off phone at movies better drink my own piss

forget to turn off phone at movies better drink my own piss  Forever Alone

Yells "follow me" Plays voice interactive game


brings a pack of gum to school friends to share with

brings a pack of gum to school friends to share with  Forever Alone

Just ordered dinner for two don't have ask for seconds Caption 3 goes here

Just ordered dinner for two don't have ask for seconds Caption 3 goes here  Forever Alone

Install unfriends to Facebook 10 notifications from unfriends

Install unfriends to Facebook 10 notifications from unfriends   Forever Alone

in desperate need of closeness BOUGHT AN ICE CREAM

in desperate need of closeness BOUGHT AN ICE CREAM    Forever Alone


LFG FOR 21 YEARS  Forever Alone

4 open seats left in class all 4 are directly adjacent to me

4 open seats left in class all 4 are directly adjacent to me  Forever Alone

a new friend? Nope, Chuck Testa

a new friend? Nope, Chuck Testa  Forever Alone
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