Forever Alone

buys box of condoms before first day of college throws out unopened expired box months after graduation

buys box of condoms before first day of college throws out unopened expired box months after  graduation  Forever Alone

I know you read my text bitch imessage told me , i dont need you though i have siri

I know you read my text bitch imessage told me , i dont need you though i have siri  Forever Alone

Log onto Skype If it wasn't for you, nobody'd be online

Log onto Skype If it wasn't for you, nobody'd be online   Forever Alone

create facebook account parents are the only one to add me

create facebook account parents are the only one to add me  Forever Alone

D-Wag y u so classy?!

D-Wag y u so classy?!  Forever Alone

go through the world surrounded by people so lonely...

go through the world surrounded by people so lonely...  Forever Alone

get only one piece of mail ad

get only one piece of mail ad  Forever Alone

willing to pay hundreds of dollars to try marijuana Doesn't know anybody

willing to pay hundreds of dollars to try marijuana Doesn't know anybody  Forever Alone

go toward dog to pet it it runs away into the street and purposely gets run over by a car

go toward dog to pet it it runs away into the street and purposely gets run over by a car   Forever Alone

U and 2 friends get a booth they sit across from you

U and 2 friends get a booth they sit across from you  Forever Alone
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