Forever Alone

watched neat bets and bar tricks video guess I'll never be able to try them out

watched neat bets and bar tricks video guess I'll never be able to try them out  Forever Alone

Finally Gets Friends Season two on Dvd

Finally Gets Friends Season two on Dvd  Forever Alone

independence day the holiday made just for me

independence day the holiday made just for me  Forever Alone

Even in my dreams I don't get the girl

Even in my dreams I don't get the girl  Forever Alone

I openly disagree with popular opinion because it's funny when people get frustrated, and try to convince me..

I openly disagree with popular opinion because it's funny when people get frustrated, and try to convince me..  Forever Alone

I live less than a mile from the Boston Marathon finish line No one has called to check in on me

I live less than a mile from the Boston Marathon finish line No one has called to check in on me  Forever Alone

Stripper is crying don't offer her any of the tissues wadded in my pocket

Stripper is crying don't offer her any of the tissues wadded in my pocket  Forever Alone

Get asked by a girl "Am I plump?" answer

Get asked by a girl

-apem noobs only pick scout

-apem noobs only pick scout  Forever Alone

hi im lukas and i have no friends

hi im lukas and i have no friends  Forever Alone
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