Forever Alone

Mom calls and asks what my plans are for Friday night. I say that I am going to go eat and hang out with some friends. Goes and heats up a hot pocket and opens World of Warcraft.

Mom calls and asks what my plans are for Friday night.  I say that I am going to go eat and hang out with some friends. Goes and heats up a hot pocket and opens World of Warcraft.  Forever Alone

Somebody Commented On my Post!!! It's a bot

Somebody Commented On my Post!!! It's a bot  Forever Alone

I've got lots of friends I have all the DVD'S

I've got lots of friends I have all the DVD'S  Forever Alone

turned 22 this month Still never been kissed

turned 22 this month Still never been kissed  Forever Alone

tries to get friends gets the boxset

tries to get friends gets the boxset  Forever Alone

got robbed last night... it's the first time i've had people over in months

got robbed last night... it's the first time i've had people over in months  Forever Alone

got two tickets to see tyga goes twice

got two tickets to see tyga  goes twice  Forever Alone

goes to a social help group group moves to the other room

goes to a social help group group moves to the other room  Forever Alone

first name: forever last name: single

first name: forever  last name: single  Forever Alone

wins a family holiday goes 5 times

wins a family holiday goes 5 times   Forever Alone
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