Forever Alone

Cicadas wait 17 years to have sex lucky

Cicadas wait 17 years to have sex lucky  Forever Alone

No one knows who the "TheFreezeeofficial" Youtube search that shit

No one knows who the

Girls all around still single forever alone!

Girls all around still single

forever alone!  Forever Alone

I feel so close to me right now

I feel so close  to me right now  Forever Alone

Phone's off for two days No texts or missed calls when I turn it back on.

Phone's off for two days No texts or missed calls when I turn it back on.  Forever Alone

asks out cleverbot rejected

asks out cleverbot rejected  Forever Alone

ive been too busy on fb to talk to u on fb

ive been too busy on fb to talk to u on fb  Forever Alone

Gets pet rock Dies

Gets pet rock Dies  Forever Alone

Milkshake doesn't bring boys to my yard

Milkshake doesn't bring boys to my yard  Forever Alone

Wants to hear friends voice friend says no even though you live 5000 miles away and all you want to do is hear her sing

Wants to hear friends voice friend says no even though you live 5000 miles away and all you want to do is hear her sing  Forever Alone
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