Forever Alone


 guy  Forever Alone

its me! And its always gonna be!

its me! And its always gonna be!   Forever Alone

Overly Attached Girlfriend? Yes please

Overly Attached Girlfriend? Yes please  Forever Alone

Sends his mom friend request Gets denied and starts crying

Sends his mom friend request  Gets denied and starts crying  Forever Alone

wins two movie tickets goes twice

wins two movie tickets goes twice  Forever Alone

I think the bed feels warmer sleeping alone

I think the bed feels warmer sleeping alone  Forever Alone

wins a trip for two to molivos goes twice!

wins a trip for two to molivos goes twice!  Forever Alone

roses are red, i have a phone nobody texts me, forever alone

roses are red, i have a phone nobody texts me, forever alone  Forever Alone

I tried to ask a girl to prom Gets rejected but gets the fap of his lifetime

I tried to ask a girl to prom Gets rejected but gets the fap of his lifetime  Forever Alone

Famous Last Words No one knows.

Famous Last Words No one knows.  Forever Alone
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