Forever Alone

how could this happen to me? ive made my mistakes,got no where to run-(other guy) SHUT UP!!

how could this happen to me? ive made my mistakes,got no where to run-(other guy) SHUT UP!!  Forever Alone

brb she said 5 hours later... still didnt come back

brb she said 5 hours later... still didnt come back  Forever Alone

Finally get a marriage arranged she's already married

Finally get a marriage arranged she's already married  Forever Alone

Finally goes outside... of his living room to go to the bathroom

Finally goes outside... of his living room to go to the bathroom  Forever Alone

I'm not single, i'm in a long distance relationship Because my boyfriend lives in the past.

I'm not single, i'm in a long distance relationship Because my boyfriend lives in the past.  Forever Alone

wins a lotto ticket gets freinds, wakes up on the sidewalk.

wins a lotto ticket gets freinds, wakes up  on the sidewalk.   Forever Alone

makes a meme likes his own.

makes a meme likes his own.  Forever Alone

upset about something being alone forever

upset about something being alone forever  Forever Alone

rocky asks melissa out her response "awwww"

rocky asks melissa out her response

Don't even make it to the front page

Don't even make it to the front page   Forever Alone
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