Forever Alone

Oh, your girlfriend only gives head? You must be suffering.

Oh, your girlfriend only gives head? You must be suffering.  Forever Alone

angry about girl getting upvotes competes for upvotes gets 0

angry about girl getting upvotes competes for upvotes
gets 0  Forever Alone

Submits link to reddit 0 likes 0 dislikes 0 comments

Submits link to reddit 0 likes 0 dislikes    0 comments  Forever Alone

Looking forward to 14th of February, Champions league starts again.

Looking forward to 14th of February, Champions league starts again.  Forever Alone

I'm always being held by Gravity

I'm always being held by Gravity  Forever Alone

"i won't let you go" mirror doesn't reply

chats with cleverbot no response

chats with cleverbot no response  Forever Alone

Two persons having sex is called twosome Three persons having sex is called threesome No wonder they call me handsome

Two persons having sex is called twosome
Three persons having sex is called threesome No wonder they call me handsome  Forever Alone

Java programmer

 Java programmer  Forever Alone

someone comments on his post quickmeme transcriber.

someone comments on his post quickmeme transcriber.  Forever Alone
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