Forever Alone

Has girls calling him all day long... Reception

Has girls calling him all day long... Reception  Forever Alone

Your cellphone lets you know when you're about to go over minutes? Sounds nice

Your cellphone lets you know when you're about to go over minutes? Sounds nice  Forever Alone

The only person i high-five is myself

The only person i high-five is myself  Forever Alone

Gets good rare on stick run no one cares

Gets good rare on stick run no one cares  Forever Alone

saya punya temen banyak tapi semuanya gamau bicara sama saya

saya punya temen banyak tapi semuanya gamau bicara sama saya  Forever Alone

Wins a pair of tickets to the movies "cool, now I get to watch two movies"

Wins a pair of tickets to the movies

Create another facebook account New friend request

Create another facebook account New friend request  Forever Alone

no date in the database forever alone

no date in the database forever alone  Forever Alone

have one-sided crush on girl for years ignore all other girls when she's around

have one-sided crush on girl for years  ignore all other girls when she's around  Forever Alone

I'm a part of the SpiderOak community! Can't add device :-(

I'm a part of the SpiderOak community! Can't add device :-(  Forever Alone
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