Forever Alone

No longer has sex dreams has girlfriend dreams

No longer has sex dreams has girlfriend dreams  Forever Alone

Never mind, I'll find someone like you

Never mind, I'll find someone like you   Forever Alone


 sexiled.  Forever Alone

50+ likes on my Cal-U Memes. 0 Friend requests

50+ likes on my Cal-U Memes. 0 Friend requests  Forever Alone

That awkward moment when: your lunch table is full

That awkward moment when: your lunch table is full   Forever Alone

Changed relationship status on Facebook to "in a relationship" April fools

Changed relationship status on Facebook to

One New TExt MEssage 456 Free T-Mobile MSg:

One New TExt MEssage  456 Free T-Mobile MSg:  Forever Alone

I think this new Facebook update is broken I'm not getting any notifications

I think this new Facebook update is broken I'm not getting any notifications   Forever Alone

Bought a new car removed all the extra seats

Bought a new car removed all the extra seats  Forever Alone

Never misses a class Only human contact

Never misses a class Only human contact  Forever Alone
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