Forever Alone

"Got a new phone guys! Post your numbers below!" I'll just take some of these...

Girls run my world! laissez faire

Girls run my world! laissez faire  Forever Alone

My mom said not to have sex before I'm married no problem

My mom said not to have sex before I'm married no problem  Forever Alone

two rings and straight to voicemail? their phone must have died as i was calling

two rings and straight to voicemail? their phone must have died as i was calling  Forever Alone

Someone finally comments! Quickmeme translator

Someone finally comments! Quickmeme translator  Forever Alone

empty seat next to me on crowed bus no one takes it

 empty seat next to me on crowed bus  no one takes it  Forever Alone

wore a suit and tie to work no one asked if i had an interview

wore a suit and tie to work no one asked if i had an interview   Forever Alone

Goes on Jeopardy and needs to phone a friend Calls Siri

Goes on Jeopardy and needs to phone a friend Calls Siri  Forever Alone

Goes to a whore house and it gets raided cops let him go

Goes to a whore house and it gets raided cops let him go  Forever Alone

Bought ticket to Geoff Tate's Queensryche Was the only one there

Bought ticket to Geoff Tate's Queensryche Was the only one there  Forever Alone
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