Forever Alone

Say You Look ugly in a photo everyone agrees

Say You Look ugly in a photo  everyone agrees   Forever Alone

I have a girlfriend in the sims

I have a girlfriend in the sims  Forever Alone

I don't have anyone to cheat on or anyone to cheat with

I don't have anyone to cheat on or anyone to cheat with  Forever Alone

He gets to fuck her I have to listen to her bitch

He gets to fuck her I have to listen to her bitch  Forever Alone

Girl likes facebook status you posted Like disappears on next refresh

Girl likes facebook status you posted  Like disappears on next refresh  Forever Alone

doesn't invite me along forever alone

doesn't invite me along forever alone  Forever Alone

Sees the Remember Me option on Reddit Gets excited

Sees the Remember Me option on Reddit Gets excited  Forever Alone

Gotcha, diagonally! Pretty sneaky, me.

Gotcha, diagonally! Pretty sneaky, me.   Forever Alone

9 pm on Saturday Laundry time

9 pm on Saturday Laundry time  Forever Alone

I got 99 problems not having a bitch is one

I got 99 problems not having a bitch is one  Forever Alone
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